Actividades únicas en Marruecos

Actividades únicas en Marruecos

Reserva actividades inolvidables organizadas por gente local en Airbnb.

Actividades con las mejores calificaciones

Come y bebe como un habitante de Marruecos
I will start by meeting in the center of Marrakech then explain to you where we will be heading to. The places we will visit and eat into are mainly in the NON-TOURISTIC areas. So we will walk and drive from area to area and visit different Neighborhoods where locals are living. You will have nothing to pay during all the experience. All the food and drinks are included in the price. Depending on your food taste and the moment of the day, You will have the choice between the: 1- "Msemen & Harcha" (moroccan pancakes) 2- "Harira" (Famous Vegetarian Moroccan soup) 3- "Chebakiya" ( Sweets for the brunch) 4- "Khoudenjal" (Hot Herbal infusion) 5- "The Khanez ou Bnin" (bread with eggs and veggies) 6- "Rass Mbekher" ( Steamed Sheep's Head with cumin) 7- "Raïb" (Famous Moroccan frozen yogurt) 8- "Chwa" (Grilled Beef/Chiken meat) 9- "Berbouche" (Snail Soup) 10-"Sardil mechoui" (Sardines ball cooked in the coal) 11- "Assir" (Fresh Fruit juice) In this list, some street food are available in the morning and others in the afternoon. Let me know if you have any allergy. I will try my best to make you eat other dishes instead. Other things to note 1- Before coming, don't eat a lot. 2- If you need a Specific Pick Up/Drop Off, let me know it, I can manage it for you (even outside of Marrakech). 3- If you are vegetarian or cannot eat something let me know it as well
⭐️Sesión de fotos profesional para Instagram en Chefchaouen⭐
We'll hit the streets of Chefchaouen and we'll explore the most beautiful streets, tiny squares, and buildings on our way. I`ll help you relax in front of the camera, And giving you poses making sure to get those insta-worthy photos. We'll explore all of the most beautiful spots around town and if there are any particular locations in the Chefchaouen Old town that you'd like to visit, I can add them to our itinerary along the way if you show me a photo of them. ▪️My experience is private. Once you book your session, I’ll close the available slots left even if you book for 1 person only. ▪️You’re going to receive : - All original photos + 30 professionally Edited pictures one by one. - You’re getting more edited photos in case you’re 2 people or more. ▪️Delivery : - 1 to 5days Sent By google drive link or wetransfer. - the Photos are delivered in high resolution and without logo. ▪️Best colors to wear : Orange, Red, white, light Green. ▪️Contact me please if you want to book a different time slot which is not available. I know being in Chefchaouen may be a special experience for you, you'll never regret a memorable pictures from a local experienced photographer in this city !!
Clase de cocina con una familia marroquí
Come with an empty stomach for this unique culinary adventure in a real Moroccan home. We’ll welcome you to our house with Moroccan tea and pastries to discuss the day’s plan. I’ll then take you to buy fresh ingredients at a popular souk, where you’ll discover authentic Moroccan culture. We’ll return home to start the cooking class with my mom and my wife. They are the best chefs in my family . You’ll learn the recipes step by step, and discover the secrets tips and technics of our traditional cuisine. Once everything is ready, we’ll eat lunch together and end with Moroccan tea. Other things to note Please come with an empty stomach. - Vegans and Vegetarians are Welcome - Gluten Free are Welcome - To get to our home is easy: ---- you can take bus which is just 4 dhs (0.5 $) ---- you can also take small taxi which is 50 dhs maximum (4 $)
Ruta en quad por el desierto de Agafay
Únase a mí para una experiencia inolvidable en quad en los hermosos paisajes del norte de Marrakech. Su taxi lo recogerá en su alojamiento en Marrakech O frente al Restaurante KFC Medina, se dirigirá al palmeral donde se encuentra la base de salida. Después de los equipos y explicaciones de las instrucciones de seguridad, entrega de las máquinas y una pequeña iniciación para familiarizarse con su quad. Una vez que todos estén listos, comenzará el recorrido cruzando el desierto rocoso de Jbilet en su Quad. La primera parada (5 min) está programada en la cima de una pequeña colina para disfrutar de una vista increíble del Palmeral y las montañas del Atlas en el horizonte y tomar excelentes fotos. Continuará su visita a través del hermoso desierto rocoso para llegar a una casa local donde tomará una taza de té de menta marroquí y conocerá a los lugareños. Después de una parada de 10 a 15 minutos, continuará su excursión para visitar una parte de la famosa Palmeraie de Marrakech con una parada en medio de las palmeras para tomar una gran foto, antes del regreso a la base.
Excursión de un día al Atlas, valles y paseo en camello
In this unique family experience from Marrakech, I will take you to visit valleys in the Atlas Mountains, where I was born and still live, we will walk for 1hr and a half to many beautiful sites in the area such as waterfalls through authentic Berber villages. The hike in the area is worth it because the latter offers a panoramic view of the valley and its villages before heading to my family's house After picking you up from your accommodation your first activity will be a camel ride tour. dressed in Bedouin costumes that make this an authentic experience and enjoy a 15 to 20-minute camel ride. then enjoy a cup of fresh mint in a Berber tent while talking about this amazing animal and the Berber culture and traditions. Then head to the Tahanaoute region where you will stop in front of Azrou, an indigenous Berber village over 1,800 years old before heading to the local Argan Oil Association for a tour and snack as well as experiencing the bottling process firsthand. Then continue to Atlas Mountain, open arrival start walking alongside the river before going up to my family house where you will have a delicious lunch cooked by Mother After lunch start walking to the waterfalls where you will stop to take pictures, as you are walking enjoy the stunning views of the green valley and Mountain Toubkal with plenty of fields that the locals use to grow vegetables and fruit trees.

Con calificaciones altas por su originalidad

Prepara un plato marroquí con la chef Fátima
In the beginning, i will welcome you into my family house (RAID) , the most traditional part in Marrakesh city. First, we'll start our program by choosing which Moroccan menu is best for you. Tajine/Couscous/Pastila/Tanjia....Also we have a vegetarian and vegan menu. second, you will taste the Moroccan tea with different flavors and ingredients and also our make at home Moroccan pastry. Our menu composed of; Appetizer+main dish and dessert. We will enjoy this cooking experience. we will show you all the Moroccan kitchen tools , and plus Chef Fatima will share with you all the skills and secrets of the Moroccan cuisine. All the steps will be done by yourself , also you will discover a different species and plants , then you will eat your meal in a joyful and familial atmosphere. Other things to note Thank you for telling me if you have special wishes or dietary restrictions. Classes take 8 places maximum
Clase de auténtica cocina marroquí con la chef Khadija
Come and experience the magic of Moroccan cuisine with Chef Khadija at her traditional Moroccan Villa house. As you arrive, you'll be greeted with a warm welcome of traditional Moroccan tea and sweets. If you haven't already discussed the menu, Chef Khadija will choose for you the perfect meal, which can be customized to fit vegetarian and vegan diets too. The cooking class itself is the highlight of the experience, as you get to participate in the cooking process and take home a note paper with all the necessary steps to recreate the dish at home. Chef Khadija's expert guidance ensures that you understand each step and learn the secrets of Moroccan cuisine. You're also welcome to take pictures and videos to capture the memories. Chef Khadija is not only an experienced and skilled chef, but also a caring and fun-loving mom, ensuring that the class is enjoyable for everyone. You can take the course in pair or with a group of up to 6/8 people, and it's available every day starting at 10:30am or 3pm depending on the availability. Join us for an unforgettable experience of delicious food and Moroccan hospitality.
Clase de cocina marroquí
bienvenue dans mon cours de cuisine, vous vivrez une expérience culinaire personnelle mémorable et merveilleuse. le cours peut prendre un group de 15personnes Nous nous rencontrerons à côté de la pharmacie local près de chez moi, pour faciliter le point de rendez-vous pour vous. Nous achèterons ensuite ce dont nous aurons besoin pour le cours (légumes, viande...), ca ne sera pas un marché mais plutôt des petites boutique a coté de chez moi, et nous allons partir à ma maison située dans l'ancienne médina. Je vais commencé mon cours de cuisine en vous apprenant à préparer du thé marocain traditionnel, puis nous nous installerons pour l'heure du thé et dégusterons de délicieux biscuits et gâteaux marocains au fur et à mesure que nous apprenons à nous connaître. le menu sera composé des entrées, des plats principal (tous sera de votre choix) Je vous expliquerai étape par étape le processus de cuisson et vous enseignerai ma technique de cuisson personnelle et ma sélection unique d'herbes et d'épices pour créer le repas marocain le plus authentique que vous avez jamais goûté. Si vous cherchez à acheter de l'huile dargan Cosmetic et vous ne savez pas si elle est pur ou pas, il y aura la possibilité de la fabriquer vous-même à la main. Je serai là pour vous guider pas à pas (le prix de l'expérience n'inclut pas l'huile dargan, merci de me contacter pour le prix extra de lhuile.
Haz tu propio aceite de argán
Là ou vous partez vous êtes toujours sur le doute de savoir si c'est la vrai huile ou la fausse, vous n'êtes plus obligé de l'acheté dans des faux boutiques, maintenant vous pouvez la produire vous même en suivant les étapes de production, je serais là pour vous guider, vous conseiller et vous expliquer tous les bienfaits de ce trésor. mon idée est de produire cette précieuse huile qui sera 100% pure. Ensemble, nous passerons du temps dans ma maison qui est situe dans l'ancienne médina, après pouvoir prendre un thé et des pâtisseries marocaine autour d'une conversation en vous aidons a mieux connaitre les locales boutiques pour vos shopping et encore plus les prix local et pas touristique. au milieu de notre préparation, nous commençons notre préparation d'huile d'Argan toute en expliquant les bienfaits et l'utilisation de ce trésor (cheveux et corps et ongles). vous allez pouvoir mixer, malaxer, et presser la pâte d'argan l'obtention de d'huile. en passant de plusieurs étapes. après l'obtention d'huile vous êtes sur le point de testé le produit naturel et de connaitre plus sur la différence entre l'huile d'Argan alimentaire et cosmétique, et sur le faux huile et le pure. Une Henné marocaine vous sera offerte comme souvenir de ma maison NB: 100 ml d’huile argan pure vous sera offert remarques On se rencontre a cote du pharmacie el badii essayez dutiliser google maps cest plus pratique de trouves les petite rue que les autres maps. Minimum dans le cours est 2 personnes
Los secretos de la cocina marroquí y bereber
Après nous être retrouvé à l'Ecolodge La palmeraie, nous rejoindrons ma maison à 5 minutes à pied ou en voiture comme vous préférez. L'occasion de traverser mon village d'origine. Puis je vous accueillerais dans ma maison ou nous commencerons ensemble le cours de cuisine dans la bonne humeur. Je vous propose de découvrir et apprendre à cuisiner un tajine poulet ou viande ou couscous, accompagné de leurs légumes. Vous découvrirez des produits frais, locaux et de saison, se qui permet d'avoir les meilleurs saveurs. Choisir et nettoyer les différents ingrédients, légumes, viandes, épices, aromates... Éplucher, couper et commencer la cuisson du tajine. Pendant que le tajine mijote, nous préparerons le dessert, des crêpes milles trous "Baghrir", crêpes marocaines traditionnelles. Nous accompagnerons se repas d'une salade marocaine, et pour finir la préparation je vous ferait découvrir l'art du thé marocain en vous faisant participer à sa préparation. Nous partagerons ensemble le repas pour déguster vos préparations. Puis je vous raccompagnerais au point de rendez vous si besoins. Autres remarques Le cours de cuisine est ouvert à tous ainsi qu'aux enfants accompagnés. Il est possible de proposer un repas végétariens, ou végétaliens ou autre régime spéciaux, simplement merci de me le dire à l'avance, ce sera avec plaisir que je m'adapterais. A bientôt

Todas las actividades cerca de Marruecos

Ruta en quad en Marrakech
¿Buscas una experiencia maravillosa y única? ¡Y quieres darle un toque especial a tu viaje a Marrakech ! el conductor te recogerá en el punto de encuentro delante de KFC Jamaâ El Fna Marrakech o fuera de tu hotel o en el aparcamiento cerca de tu Riad en el centro de Marrakech . Una vez que llegamos a nuestra base, comenzamos explicando el funcionamiento de los cuatrimotos y las leyes de seguridad, luego te proporcionamos el equipo necesario para esta actividad (cascos, gafas ...). Después de 5 minutos de ejercicio con el guía para entender cómo funciona el quad, tendrás 2 horas en quad para descubrir el desierto rocoso y el palmeral de Marrakech, en medio de la visita tendrás un primer descanso en una casa local para beber té de menta alrededor de 15 minutos , y una segunda pausa en el palmeral para disfrutar de tomar hermosas fotos alrededor de 10 minutos . Al final, el conductor te llevará de vuelta a tu hotel. Otros aspectos destacables * Esta experiencia no requiere permiso de conducir. *Esta aventura dura 3 horas, incluyendo la recogida y la entrega .
Cena en el desierto de Agafay y paseo en camello al atardecer
ONLY 40 minutes Driving to enjoy the desert Sunset and the stary night In this adventure, you will observe the hidden landscape of the Agafay desert. We start picking up guest from 4:30pm, we will pick you up FROM YOUR ACCOMMODATION OR the closest place with car access. Leave the noisy city and head ahead the nature and the beautiful landscapes, towards the desert of Agafay by crossing the Berber villages, on our way to the desert of Agafay, we will visit the local argan oil cooperative that makes you understand the production of the oil than you will have a camel ride with our guide and drink a welcoming Moroccan tea After the ancient Berber path through the hundreds of years of mud houses we will stop by the beautiful camp to have the best view of the sunset with Moroccan sweets. After dinner we will enjoy a traditional show with Berber music around the campfire. We will take the road back to Marrakech after this incredible excursion, and return to Marrakech around 10pm. NB: -The Argan oil cooperative is cultural visit and Not comercial -You can escape the camel ride if you want -The camp is well equipped with Bathrooms What included: 1.Transportation 2.Camel ride 3.Nomadic clothes while riding the camel 3.Dinner [VEGAN & VEGETARIAN FOOD IS AVAILABLE UNDER REQUEST] 4.Gluten Free available 5.Berber music around the Bonfire Drop of available inside Marrakech
Clase de cocina con Asma y la chef Laila
After meeting in the nearest point and checking if they have any food allergy,we choose which suitable menu for all parties(vegetarian and vegan). then we start the course by buying groccery from the market while teaching the class how to determine the quality of the produce, afterward we head to the location where we have the breakfast i will teach you how to make Moroccan tea. Then we start the course. we start by making appetizer using Argan Oil then we move on to main course using moroccan spices Ras Elhanout then dessert. After finishing the meal, we give a free Surpris
Come y bebe como un habitante de Marruecos
I will start by meeting in the center of Marrakech then explain to you where we will be heading to. The places we will visit and eat into are mainly in the NON-TOURISTIC areas. So we will walk and drive from area to area and visit different Neighborhoods where locals are living. You will have nothing to pay during all the experience. All the food and drinks are included in the price. Depending on your food taste and the moment of the day, You will have the choice between the: 1- "Msemen & Harcha" (moroccan pancakes) 2- "Harira" (Famous Vegetarian Moroccan soup) 3- "Chebakiya" ( Sweets for the brunch) 4- "Khoudenjal" (Hot Herbal infusion) 5- "The Khanez ou Bnin" (bread with eggs and veggies) 6- "Rass Mbekher" ( Steamed Sheep's Head with cumin) 7- "Raïb" (Famous Moroccan frozen yogurt) 8- "Chwa" (Grilled Beef/Chiken meat) 9- "Berbouche" (Snail Soup) 10-"Sardil mechoui" (Sardines ball cooked in the coal) 11- "Assir" (Fresh Fruit juice) In this list, some street food are available in the morning and others in the afternoon. Let me know if you have any allergy. I will try my best to make you eat other dishes instead. Other things to note 1- Before coming, don't eat a lot. 2- If you need a Specific Pick Up/Drop Off, let me know it, I can manage it for you (even outside of Marrakech). 3- If you are vegetarian or cannot eat something let me know it as well
⭐️Sesión de fotos profesional para Instagram en Chefchaouen⭐
We'll hit the streets of Chefchaouen and we'll explore the most beautiful streets, tiny squares, and buildings on our way. I`ll help you relax in front of the camera, And giving you poses making sure to get those insta-worthy photos. We'll explore all of the most beautiful spots around town and if there are any particular locations in the Chefchaouen Old town that you'd like to visit, I can add them to our itinerary along the way if you show me a photo of them. ▪️My experience is private. Once you book your session, I’ll close the available slots left even if you book for 1 person only. ▪️You’re going to receive : - All original photos + 30 professionally Edited pictures one by one. - You’re getting more edited photos in case you’re 2 people or more. ▪️Delivery : - 1 to 5days Sent By google drive link or wetransfer. - the Photos are delivered in high resolution and without logo. ▪️Best colors to wear : Orange, Red, white, light Green. ▪️Contact me please if you want to book a different time slot which is not available. I know being in Chefchaouen may be a special experience for you, you'll never regret a memorable pictures from a local experienced photographer in this city !!
Clase de cocina con una familia marroquí
Come with an empty stomach for this unique culinary adventure in a real Moroccan home. We’ll welcome you to our house with Moroccan tea and pastries to discuss the day’s plan. I’ll then take you to buy fresh ingredients at a popular souk, where you’ll discover authentic Moroccan culture. We’ll return home to start the cooking class with my mom and my wife. They are the best chefs in my family . You’ll learn the recipes step by step, and discover the secrets tips and technics of our traditional cuisine. Once everything is ready, we’ll eat lunch together and end with Moroccan tea. Other things to note Please come with an empty stomach. - Vegans and Vegetarians are Welcome - Gluten Free are Welcome - To get to our home is easy: ---- you can take bus which is just 4 dhs (0.5 $) ---- you can also take small taxi which is 50 dhs maximum (4 $)
El mapa no es el territorio Descubre Fez con un local
En este recorrido a pie, te presentaremos la verdadera Fez y la gente que vive aquí para aprender sobre su historia y costumbres. Aunque Fez es visitada regularmente por muchos turistas, este recorrido a pie te llevará por lugares menos frecuentados y te mostrará lo que hace de Fez un destino tan interesante, especialmente para las personas interesadas en la arquitectura y la historia. ¡Ven con nosotros y explora las partes imprescindibles de Fez desde la perspectiva de un local!
Paradise valley trip berber village
Join me on a half-day journey to discover the hidden gem of Paradise Valley, a secret oasis nestled in the heart of the Moroccan mountains. We'll depart from either Agadir or Taghazout, and take a scenic drive through the stunning countryside to reach our destination. Our first stop will be at an Argan garden, where you can learn about the traditional process of making Argan oil and even taste some of the delicious products made from it. Next, we'll venture deeper into the valley, where we'll be greeted by lush greenery and crystal clear natural pools. The valley is dotted with numerous palm trees and offers a peaceful escape from the hustle and bustle of the city. As we hike through the valley, I'll share my local knowledge and take you to some of the most stunning spots, including hidden places and berber village seeing a local houses and picturesque viewpoints. This half-day trip to Paradise Valley is the perfect way to escape the city and immerse yourself in the natural beauty of Morocco. Whether you're a nature lover, an adventure seeker, or simply looking for a peaceful escape, this trip is sure to leave you feeling refreshed and rejuvenated. Book your adventure with me today and discover the secret paradise of Paradise Valley!
Recorrido fotográfico de Chefchaouen
Nos encontraremos en la antigua plaza de la ciudad, llamada (outa hamam) y comenzaremos a explorar las encantadoras calles escondidas de Chefchaouen; fuera de lo común. Compartiré la historia de esta ciudad especial, así como secretos y consejos desde la perspectiva local. Durante nuestro recorrido a pie, capturaré sus sentimientos y estados de ánimo en estos maravillosos lugares en Chefchaouen. Recibirá maravillosos recuerdos de su viaje a esta hermosa ciudad. Mi recorrido ideal es con un grupo íntimo, para asegurar que todos estén involucrados e incluidos en todos los aspectos. ¡Ven y únete conmigo! Hablemos y caminemos por las calles azules de la ciudad, tome fotos increíbles y comparta esta experiencia única. Otros aspectos destacables ¡Los huéspedes pueden traer su propia cámara (opción) y estar preparados para descubrir la hermosa ciudad de The Blue Pearl!
Pasea por la ciudad como los lugareños
We start up our tour in the morning with a traditional breakfast at a local spot to craft our local experience. Then our walking tour starts together with Mohammed V Square "Pigeons Square" that forms the central hub of Casablanca’s new town and is home to some of the most striking architecture in the city. Along with the neighboring United Nations Square. It’s a large palm-tree lined public square represents the place where the old and new town meet. Followed by a relaxed walk through the Medina (old town) of Casablanca. Dip into the daily life of the locals and travel back in time while rambling through the narrow streets. Discover some influences from the French colonial era after visiting the bustling marketplace where clothes, spices and traditional leather goods are offered by handi-crats workers. Up to a real must-see monument “Hassan II Mosque” with its impressive world’s tallest minaret. Admire the building from the outside and listen to the incredible facts about its dimension.. The mosque is known by its high minaret of 210 meters. Finally, we’ll get to know La Corniche. At the magnificent seafront as we may enjoy a walk or simply relax in a cafe with a view of the Atlantic Ocean that offers a less traditional and more holiday escape-side of Morocco. You can dip into the water if you feel daring. Last, we finalize our tour with a delicious Moroccan lunch Other things to note * To join a guided tour in Hassan II mosque: 1- You have to buy a ticket as entry fee there (130 DH). 2- Women should bring a scarf to cover their arms to be allowed to enter.
Taller de pan tradicional
-Sidi Kaouki est un petit village situé à 25 km au sud d'Essaouira.(Je peux organiser le trajet en taxi à votre demande). Et l’atelier se trouve à 8 min à pied du grand parking nord de Sidi Kaouki où les bus et taxi s’arrêtent (j'enverrai l'indication par message après votre réservation ). -Nous entrerons dans notre atelier ou je vous proposerai de revêtir la tenue berbère traditionnelle pour entrer complètement dans notre univers, puis nous commenceront l’expérience, avec au programme : - Chercher du bois dans la forêt à côté de ma maison. -Pétrir le pain. -Cuire le pain au four à bois. - Dégustation sous forme d’un petit goûter (thé, pain, l'huile d'argan, miel, amlou, oeufs bio). Autres remarques : - Le minimum dans le cours est 2 personnes. - Pensez à visiter mes autres activités sur Airbnb, vous pourrez plus profiter en combinant les activités.
Tour de compras por los zocos de Marrakech
The Souk of Marrakech has been a trading center for centuries and many traders from Africa and Europe passed through the market everyday. The souq is so big that it has everything and anything. The word souq means market and no one understands it better than the locals but we will make it so easy for you to navigate it with no problems whatsoever . The beating heart of the souq starts from the Sammarine irea and the more you walk into it the more it branches off .Don t worry , we are here for you and we will help you to feast your eyes about the beauty of the items which are displayed for sale. -Don t miss anything ! lamps,glassware,amazing rugs ,jewellery, shoes and kaftans ... .Immerse yourself into the hustle and bustle of the souq and look at the artisans * carpenters,blacksmith ,weavers *working inside their workshops . -Marrakesh is a shoppers haven for all the people who come to visit it and , thus , wandering the souq with a licensed locale guide is the best .We will make the most of your time inside the souq. We fix a meeting place to meet you. We will never let you down and we will assist you til you find what you need with the best deals
Ruta de aventura en una granja ecológica y tajín
Join us for an unforgettable adventure from Chefchaouen to the tranquil village of Kalaa, nestled amidst breathtaking mountain landscapes. Our two-hour hike spans 7 kilometers along the mountainside, offering ample opportunities to capture stunning photos and encounter local shepherds with their goats. Upon arrival at Kalaa, we'll retreat to my father's serene organic farm, where you'll be greeted with freshly brewed herbal tea sourced from our own land. Indulge in a sumptuous Tajine feast featuring farm-fresh vegetables and your choice of chicken, beef, or even rabbit straight from the farm. Vegetarian and vegan options are also available, ensuring everyone can savor the flavors of our land. Relax and soak in the village views from our tranquil terrace shaded by ancient trees, while engaging in insightful conversations with my father, a proud local with a wealth of knowledge about the area and mountain life. Take a leisurely stroll through the farm, discovering the beauty of our sustainable practices firsthand. As the evening sets in, we'll journey back to Chefchaouen in a traditional local Mercedes "Taxi". For those eager to extend their stay, we offer the unique opportunity to experience rustic farm hospitality firsthand. Please note: On certain days, my father may graciously host the experience while I attend university.
Get to know Casablanca & Morocco better with me
Hello fantastic travelers, I welcome you to all my "Amazing Tours Casablanca", My tours are unique and diverse as long as I focus on providing my guests with a broad insight into Moroccan culture and explaining some history of Casablanca . Let's start the day with a traditional breakfast at a local spot to craft our local experience. My tours are focused on local experiences, I can show you typical Moroccan food and local products, etc. We will visit some of the important sites, including: - Mohammed V Square - Sacre Coeur church . We will discover the streets of: - The Old Medina (old city behind the walls) - Traditional shops. -If there is one thing you don’t want to miss when you’re in Casablanca, it’s visiting the Hassan II Mosque. This is the one largest mosque in the Africa and YES, outside of prayer hours, they will us allow to go inside as a visitors!The mosque is known by its high minaret. -Finally, we’ll getto La Corniche. Ps: The tickets for the mosque doesn't included with the price . The ticket cost 140 dh . 14dollars
Vintage Tour Service
Bonjour, souhaitez vous faire un VINTAGE TOUR ? Préparez-vous pour un voyage immersif et inoubliable à travers Agadir ! Faites vous plaisir et venez découvrir la ville avec moi ! Je suis enthousiaste de partager avec vous les plus beaux endroits, les secrets les plus cachés et l'âme qui caractérise si bien notre ville, Agadir. Vous allez découvrir le style de la magnifique 4L, et vous vous lancerez dans une aventure unique ! Vous tomberez amoureux de la ville autant que possible!. La bonne humeur et le plaisir sont garantis ! The service is as follows: The excursion starts from where you are staying, with a tour of the new town, aka "la ville nouvelle" (where we find the Brutalist architecture, designed by architects of various nationalities), then towards the beach, visiting "la marina" and taking a walk along the corniche. Followed by a visit to Agadir Oufella (an old kasbah which was destroyed by the earthquake in 1960, and is currently renovating), not to forget a tour inside the local souk called "souk El Had" (the largest souk in Africa with 13 entrances and approximately 4000 stores for marchants), before going back to your stay. Extra service (for 150dhs /Person // 2h) : A visit to La Médina Coco Polizzi : Pensée par le maître artisan Coco Polizzi, inspirée des anciennes constructions et savoir-faire architectural marocain.